Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Health Tag

I’ve got tagged by my good friend bdh

1. What is your definition of ‘healthy eating’?

Answer: Consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages within and among the basic food groups

2. Do you exercise on a regular basis? What is your favorite form of exercise? Least favorite?

Answer: No, but I have in the past. Jogging is my favorite.

3. Do you take vitamin supplements?

Answer: Only vitamin C.

4. Can you tell that your body is getting older? If so, how?

Answer: Getting fat and having memory loss.

5. Would you call yourself healthy?

Answer: Not that healthy.

Now I’m tagging Katherine, Levian, LeeChien, Eagle, Shireishou


Katherine said...

Thanks for the tag! I'll work on it as soon as I can! :)

icHaaWe said...

ada2 aja peer nya ....

shiera said...

I don't do exercises. I can't even reach my toes without bending my knees! But I really should do this soon...