Friday, December 5, 2008


One of my fellow blogger introduces me about online game, call Meetoto. Meetoto is a web-based gaming world which introduces a novel and exciting way to enjoy the fun of casual online gaming with the benefits of serious social networking. I heard this kind of online games a few times and I just realized that there are lots of online games available at the moment. And all you need is just a browser to play it and of course your internet speed!

A browser games mean that they do not need any client side software to be installed. Really that simple!

After a few minutes googling, I found out another kind of browser games. They call it PBBG, a Persistent Browser-Based Game, a computer game that is both browser-based and persistent (able to progress with successive playing sessions). Because using the internet, most developers incorporate massively multi-player and community elements into their PBBGs game. And in PBBG the progress is made over days, weeks, or months.

PBBGs usually using some kind of server-side code, such as Perl, PHP, Python, Java or Flash to store data on the client's computer. With this server-side coding the security aspect when reading and writing from user's local file system can be reduce.

I had to admit, some of these PBBGs have a nice 3D rendering such as RuneScape and Ikariam. But never expect any full action pack from this kind of games, as I mentioned before this persistent games, it will takes days, weeks, or months to complete it.

If you have slow connection but still eager to play, just try Travian, Magic Duel or Gladiatus.

Any other online games need to share?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah klo koneksi lambat ga pakek lah ya.