Friday, June 12, 2009

Microsoft Office 2007 File Converters

Still stick to your current Microsoft Office 2003 and can not open the latest Office 2007 files? Do not waste your time by searching some freeware or utility to convert it. Microsoft already has that tool for you.

By installing this File Format Converters all the Office 2007 files can be directly open with Office 2000, Office XP or Office 2003 such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. But remember to save it again with your current Office version.

I'm already patching my Office 2003 with Service Pack 2 while installing this tool. It's written in Microsoft System Requirements. So, remember to download the latest Office Service Pack first before installing this tool.

You can download it here.

1 comment:

titiw said...

sepertinya bos aku kudu tau beginian nih.. dari kemaren marah2 mulu gara2 file dari 2007 gak bisa kebuka mulu. Thx yo.. :)