Saturday, September 20, 2008

Telkomsel Flash : Not that flashy any more

There is a good news for all the user of Telkomsel Flash that had been complaining about the speed and connections they're having right now.

Telkomsel Flash from their official homepage just added the tag line:

*Mohon maaf, pengajuan aktivasi paket Unlimited untuk sementara tidak dapat kami layani

That means Telkomsel Flash had stopped the registration for unlimited package temporarily

You can see it here.

There are still no official news about this announcement as far as I concern. You can read the unofficial news that are spreading in kaskus and other forums. If you have more news regarding this topic, please leave any comments.

Hopefully after this announcement, all the problems regarding the internet speed and connections can be resolved immediately.

And for everybody that intended to apply, don't be too disappointed, you can still shift your choices to another provider like Indosat (in similar product respectively).


balidreamhome said...

Pertamax nih....

bebas komen tra la la la ....

Kaburrrrr :-)

Anonymous said...

bener, sy jg pake indosat, & ternyata cepet bgd, suami sy yg pake tsel jelas-2 sdh ketinggalan..