Saturday, July 14, 2007

Optical Mouse Radiation

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Just in case, please be careful.

The convenience of using optical mouse eventually coz
dangerous side effect. After Three years from the first launch by microsoft, have been found thousand of cases - hands tissue coz by mouse radiation. Optical Mouse works by release Electromagnetic high frequency to the lower surface under it. This frequency much more higher than the frequency use for hand phone. As it has been known that human hand and wrist contains lot of important nerve connected to brain.

According to WHO, the radiation from Optical Mouse is 5 times stronger than using hand phone. These radiation is even worse for those product with lower quality ( non branded mouse ), since they use weaker shield to protect customer wrist. WHO, GreenPeace, and CNN have stopped the usage of Optical mouse in their whole office.

Meanwhile Microsoft and IBM have allocate 2 billion of US Dollar, in joint venture to make a safer pointing device. Big Hardware Industries in China and Taiwan are trying to hide all fact related to this things. While in the market, most of optical mouse sold old were coming from their product.

To avoid this, try to reduce using mouse. learn how to use hot key ( i.e. Ctrl-V, CTRL-C for paste and copy ) Use back your old model of mouse (with the tracking ball).
Jangan terlalu kuatir! Karena optical mouse yang biasa Anda pakai hanya mengeluarkan sinar merah yang dihasilkan Light Emmitting Diode (LED). Bukan sinar laser atau segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan radiasi ataupun hal-hal lain yang membahayakan. Memang ada beberapa jenis tipe mouse yang wireless atau menggunakan sinar laser, namun efek yang ditimbulkan belum pernah diberitakan.

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Sumber : Wikepedia : Mouse (Computing)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is correct!! I am experiencing very heat on my palm and current moving feeling on my fingures when I am using the optical mouse continuously for 1 - 3 hrs. So every Keyboard must have Laptop Laptop like mouse keys.
Manufacutirng standards must be amended accordingly.